Garden Party of the Year - Muck® Boots UK – MuckbootUK

The Garden Party Of The Year: RHS Hampton Court

The Garden Party Of The Year: RHS Hampton Court

On Monday 1st July we marked the launch of RHS Hampton Court with a gala evening. The night was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our 20th anniversary –combining tasty picnic foods with a sneak peak of the stunning show gardens, live music and a fabulous fireworks display to finish!

RHS Hampton Court

On the eve of the Garden Festival, we were joined by Hannah Jackson (The Red Shepherdess), and Rachel (The Good Life Aint Easy), who had the opportunity to get a first look at the show gardens, and our award-winning Boot Room. This year our stand took attendees on a journey through our 20-year heritage – exhibiting the best-loved boots from our past and current collections.

After a successful launch, Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival was THE garden party of the summer. Guests experienced a wonderful day out filled with an array of garden inspiration, stunning floral displays and workshops in a majestic setting. The world-class show gardens inspired visitors to revitalise their own green spaces. There was also an array of expert talks, focusing on health and wellbeing aspects of gardening, and numerous trade stands – including our Boot Room.

New for 2019; the Global Impact Gardens explored innovative planting and design ideas, creating a platform for conversation; and, the Duchess of Cambridge co-designed the RHS back to nature garden alongside Davies White Landscape Architects. Influenced by both Kate and William’s childhood memories, the garden aimed to capture the magic of the outdoors as seen through a child’s eyes. This prestigious garden was positioned just opposite our stand.